Header image for unitex-FashionFestival 2025

Register now:

Admission ticket for all fashion, footwear, lifestyle and sports retailers. Valid on both days of the fair.

Press ticket for accredited journalists.

unitex-FashionFestival 2025

Clothing, shoes, jewellery, bags, sports and leather goods, as well as software and advice: the unitex FashionFestival is all about fashion, lifestyle and retail. In a very short time, the event has become the biggest and most important platform for the branch. But the uFF is about much more than showcasing new collections - it's about inspiration and information, community and networking, good vibes and the future of the business. It is this positive spirit that gives the event a special feel-good atmosphere each year.

Tuesday May 20, 10:00 - Wednesday May 21, 2025, 17:00 CEST

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Messe Ulm
Böfinger Str. 50
89073 Ulm

unitex GmbH

unitex is a modern service association for fashion retailers in Germany and Austria with a focus on digitalization and innovation. We are the only association in the textile sector in Germany that has a bank- secured central settlement. This means we offer maximum security for all participants, combined with business-relevant, monetary and administrative benefits. All our members from the fashion retail trade, our affiliated service partners and our textile suppliers benefit together from our exceptionally strong unitex-FashionCommunity. unitex.de



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